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Since deciding to expand ULEZ in November 2022, Mayor Khan has rigidly parroted that it’s all about air quality and ‘London’s toxic air’. He is far from convincing.


·        Mayor Khan regularly quotes figures like ‘4,000 lives lost’ per year.

·        The GLA has admitted that the contrived ‘deaths’ figure was ‘not real people’, just playing with statistics.

·        Cambridge University statisticians critically reviewed the numbers in detail. Professor Tony Frew pf the University of Brighton described the deaths as a ‘Zombie’ statistic that refuses to die. He gave an interview to TalkRadio.

·        Professor Frew is also on the YouTube feature - “Mayor Khan manipulating the air pollution figures!!”. He made several relevant points, describing air pollution as having “a very small impact on everyone, maybe 3 days off everyone’s life.

·        If all transport (trains as well as cars) were banned, it would remove only 1/7 of the emissions. If all transport except bicycles were banned, about a month (20-40 days) could be gained for those living to 80+. At best, if you removed all pollution from all sources, it could add maybe 6-9 months. However this would mean no building sites, no power stations, etc – and it would be too cold to live in the UK.









·        Data from California indicate that there is not any association between particulates and death.

·        Extensive research in the USA shows that indoor air can be up to 100 times more ‘toxic’ than outdoors.  This is mirrored by a survey of four UK households, illustrating that outdoor air quality is over three times better than indoors.

·        The causes of asthma are not fully understood, and there seems to be genetic factors. However:

There is no correlation between levels of vehicle emissions and asthma incidence.”

- Dr Kenneth Calman, Government Chief Medical Officer, article exploring the causes.

·        Asthma symptoms could have several ‘triggers’:

hot and cold weather, sudden changes in temperature, thunderstorms;  colds, flu and viruses; pollution such as cigarette smoke; dust mites, pet hair, exercise*, female hormones, sexual activity, emotions, stress, alcohol, Valium, recreational drugs; scented products like perfume, aftershave, scented candles or oils; latex; food sensitivities (e.g. sulphites, histamines) and (for a small minority) food allergens are gluten (from wheat and cereal products), shellfish, eggs, milk, tree nuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, and soya.







·        The virtue-signalling Mayor is a hypocrite.

·        While wanting to tax our ‘emissions’, he regularly lets off lavish fireworks displays when it suits him.

·        He and his advisers have frequently flown.

·        He has been enthusiastic about visiting cannabis farms in California, which would hardly be great for air quality if replicated over here.

·        He has tried to push more people to use the tube for money reasons, even though the air quality is better at street level..


*Ironically Transport for London are always recommending exercise, such as cycling and walking! It’s funny that if London’s air is so filthy/toxic (as the Mayor claims), why is he always urging people to walk and cycle in it?




For more detail on air quality science, health issues and references debunking Khan’s’

’toxic air’ hype


More info on

air quailty









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‘Stop the Toxic Air Lie’ graphic from a separate campaign