Barnes Pond like




Welcome to the ‘Say No To 5G’ campaign in LB Richmond-upon-Thames

We stand for:

A full, open and honest debate about 5G and plans to install it everywhere

A halt on installing technology that’s bad for us, animals and the environment





A bit of background information


The government wants new 5G mobile-wireless technology rolled out nationwide by 2027. The neighbouring London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham has been made a trial site for rolling out 5G small cells (‘mobile phone masts’ in street lighting outside people’s homes) in 2020. Microwave radiation levels in public places there are already high.


Other boroughs like Richmond will not be far behind. (For our 5G coverage checker, please click here.),


If not stopped, the wider 5G project will have serious consequences for our health, our privacy and the environment.


Stand up for yourself and those closest to you. You can help us to stop 5G


As local activists, we are keen to get some help for spreading awareness of 5G issues and generating popular resistance.


We are contacting community groups, giving out leaflets to the public and more. We wish to encourage others to take the initiative in ways that fit in with their available time and circumstances.


For example you could use social media or lobby your MP or local councillors.


Some key points you might you might consider using:


* There is no proof of safety for 5G but many studies indicate harmful effects from microwave emissions. Thousands of scientists and other health professionals have signed an international appeal for a halt (‘moratorium’) on the expansion of 5G.

* The existing safety advice on mobile-wireless radiation from advisory bodies ICNIRP and Public Health England is out of date and inadequate. It has only covered very limited exposure and lesser heating effects.

* Allowing 5G would undermine both Public Health England’s official policy of preventing ill-health and our local council’s role in health promotion. It would add to the pressure on our already-strained health services.

* The government is wrong to try to remove planning permission from local communities. Instead they should be given more powers to reject controversial developments.


For more information and general reference material, see our links page).



If you can help with the above or on wider campaigning activities, please contact us without obligation – email barnes 'AT' 


Please send any paper correspondence, or donations to our contact address (c/o) PO Box 13199, London SW6 6ZU (cheques/POs payable to ‘New Alliance’).


Many thanks,

‘Say No To 5G’ campaign in Richmond and Barnes



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‘Say No To 5G’ Home Page