Stop the mast!!!


Proposed site: At junction of Wandsworth Bridge Road and Hugon Road, London SW6 2TX





Email comments


Subject: 2022/03517/TEL56

(If you use an email program, Subject automatically entered when you click. Optionally blind copying us so we can keep track of objections – all info kept confidential. Just click the link above.)



Here’s some quick points – ideally, please use your own words and not the entire text below

I object to the proposed mast – it would be ugly, too high and would dominate a residential area. It would be too close to some properties and wouldn’t look right from the conservation area.


The unwanted mast radiation will not be good for the health of adults, children or trees in the area. To approve it would undermine the Council’s statutory duty of preventing impairment to children's health or development.


I am also disappointed that the proposers have failed to properly consult local residents and schools within range.



Give your name, address and postcode

 NB Comments from the public are not routinely shown.



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