More info on the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.
Info from Statewatch on the Civil Contingencies Bill
Citizenship Directive (PDF, 47pp, 189kB)
Statewatch link for more information
"Your freedom at risk": links to articles
Our Constitution Index - Links to key articles & websites.
Regional government is a twin farce - a government that gives more & more powers to the EU is actually moving it further from the people. (As it has in London by moving planning powers away from councils).
Secondly, the EU wants to use regional government to improve its image, carry out its policies and enforce its regulations more tightly.
The existing NE Regional Assembly has a 'European Management Board', whose website lets it slip that it is "developing an understanding of the key priority issues of the European Government". Its stated purpose is "to realise the potential for the Region of being part of the EU".
Support for regionalism has been hyped by both the BBC and the Government, who are merely giving voters a choice of elected/unelected - without any real alternative.
BBC Online's so-called 'North Poll' photo-gallery was little more than propaganda whitewashing
the 'Yes' side with imagery of 'opportunity' and youthfulness (especially female and personable).
In contrast, the 'No' side was subliminally associated with images of elderliness, of being
rained off, and even eccentrically trying to scare people off. But the most offensive caption hyped that the government was keen on a clean fight.
Now that the contest is over questions need to be asked over the conduct
of both the Government and its Electoral Commission
- see the blog below for more information.
Congratulations and well done to Neil Herron and his 'North East No Campaign'
colleagues, who have been exposing the farce from the start.
'North East No Campaign' campaign website
Developments chronicled on Neil Herron's 'blog' site
"Their political views will come as a big shock to some of their elders: 80 per cent are against joining the Euro and 70 per cent don't even want to be in the EU at all. It would do Cabinet ministers good to go and listen to them more often".
A welcome change from the 1999 version who said that the Maastricht Treaty was one of John Major's achievements, and good for Britain, as it gave us the chance of joining the Euro?
Jim Dougal also complained that bureaucracy within the Commission was stifling, and criticised its belief in a "le grand public" of Europe that simply did not exist. In particular, he warned that its next generation of leaders would not understand the UK.
He felt that the future was in nation-states co-operating where "national sovereign interests dictate" and warned EU member states not to let 'Brussels' [i.e. the Commission] promote its own agenda. He admitted that UK rejection of the EU Constitution and even withdrawal from the EU was "now a possibility".
Unfortunately propagandising like Prodi's is not isolated. Similar proposals were made on the website, subsidised by Community Fund (national lottery) money and effectively sponsored by the BBC and UK government departments, out of your taxes.
He has released a report "The Costs and Benefits of the European Union" for the think-tank, Civitas. His online summary is well worth reading (HTML/PDF format), and he outlines his evidence that there would be no net loss of jobs or trade.
Website for stockists, the June Press
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